
The spx.dom method is a helper utility designed to transform markup literals into actual HTML elements from a string literal. This method intelligently interprets the provided markup structure, returning an accurate element representation tailored to your input.

The SPX VSCode Extension supports HTML IntelliSense capabilities directly within spx.dom markup template literals. Code contained within DOM literals will provide completions, hovers and syntax highlighting.

Single Element Return

When the markup literal defines a single, self-contained structure (e.g, <div>Hello</div>), the return value will be a HTMLElement element. TypeScript users can provide generic arguments to set return type value.

Array of Elements

When the markup consists of multiple sibling elements without a common parent (e.g, <li>A</li> <li>B</li>), then spx.dom will return an array of HTMLElement[] elements.

While spx.dom can handle multiple sibling elements, it’s generally recommended to wrap these elements in a parent container within the markup. This approach not only simplifies DOM manipulation but also ensures that the returned structure is always predictable, whether it’s a single element or a wrapped set of elements.

Raw Markup Literal

For scenarios where you need to reference the original markup string, spx.dom exposes a .raw property. This property is read-only and can be accessed on either the returned HTMLElement or the array of HTMLElement[]. This feature is particularly useful for debugging, logging, or when you need to reconstruct or modify the original markup.