


To connect templates to class components in SPX, elements annotated with the spx-component attribute require a value matching the class name of the SPX component you intend to connect. By default, SPX transforms class component names to kebab-case format.


Component templates annotated with spx-component also accept state attributes. These state attributes enable you to provide data via the DOM to components in an isolated manner. Components require an interface definition provided via the connect → state static property (refer to state). This interface utilizes a namespace XML-like syntactic structure.


The spx-bind directive can be used on elements which you want bound to a state value. Elements marked as a component binding will reflect the value of a state change in real-time and persisted across page visits. You can define bindings by passing a component identifier name and state key name.


DOM Events can be annotated to elements using the spx@ prefix followed by the event name. The attribute values follow a simple object dot . notation structure of <component>.<method>.

In certain scenarios, you might need to pass data to method callbacks in components from a DOM element. You can use the standard (state) directive structure, and all annotations will be provided to the event parameter argument in the class method. Event attributes are parsed, and the provided type will be normalized accordingly.
