
The spx-intersect attribute provides DOM driven control of the Intersection Observer API. The attribute value will determine operation context to SPX which allows you execute different functionalities in accordance with intersection matches.


Annotating link elements with spx-intersect or spx-intersect="true" signals to SPX that a prefetch should take place when the node containing the attribute become visible in viewport. If you’ve defined Intersect options like rootMargin and threshold then they will be used when carrying out the prefetch. The spx-intersect or spx-intersect="true" can also be used on elements which contain <a> descendants when you want SPX to automatically execute prefetches on all <a> within.

When using element annotation to target contained <a> descendant, you can exclude certain links from intersection prefetching using the spx-intersect="false" attribute.


Intersection triggers can perform append, prepend or replace operations when viewport matches occur. Passing a value of append, prepend or replace to the spx-intersect attribute will result in an execution operation. Triggers require the value operation attribute be provided and can only be used on link <a> elements.

Using intersection triggers are helpful in cases where you require scroll position to invoke fetching. The Infinite Scrolling example shows how this method can be used to perform infinite pagination.

You need to provide the value defined attribute to perform intersection triggers. For example, if you provide an append trigger via spx-intersect="append" then you will need to also pass the spx-append="" attribute.
