
SPX is written in TypeScript, which means it’s designed with a strong emphasis on type safety from the ground up. This choice ensures that developers working with SPX benefit from TypeScript’s static typing, with full support for IntelliSense in IDEs, auto-completions and real-time error checking. Every piece of SPX, from its core components to utility functions, is annotated with JSDoc comments that include detailed descriptions, references to relevant documentation, and practical code examples.

SPX thrives within a TypeScript environment, its recommended that developers choose to leverage SPX within a TS Runtime.

SPX Namespace

The SPX namespace export provides a range of accessible types, encompassing both utility types and interface structures. This module, being extensively typed, ensures that its exports are comprehensive enough to handle most use cases within your TypeScript projects.

Component Auto-typing

In SPX, every component is derived from the spx.Component subclass, which facilitates auto-typing. Within TypeScript environments, this feature allows developers to utilize type inference. By applying the typeof prefix to the static define object, SPX can infer and enforce types upon the this.state context, providing type completions and validations automatically.

For developers employing the ESLint rule no-use-before-define, you might need to disable or adjust this rule within components that use the spx.Component<T> subclass, as the typeof reference can trigger this linting error.

Type Constructors

Type constructors can also accept inferred types, and the provision will behave in accordance with the definition passed. Applying typed (Type) constructors is highly desirable when using Object or Array constructors in component state. Additionally, SPX extends support to literal unions for String type constructors which will resolve to Record<T> ensuring that known types of the string are shown as completions while unknown strings being error tolerant.

Component Nodes

Component nodes are associated DOM Elements provided on the nodes definition object as keyword identifiers. These DOM identifier entires will be made available on the this object of classes, offering a direct interface to manipulate elements within your component. SPX intelligently interprets the node identifiers to determine the appropriate element tag types. This means that DOM identifier names suffixed with an valid element name (e.g., button, div, input) will automatically infer and apply the element type.

The <const> prefix type annotation is mandatory when defining nodes. Omitting this annotation will prevent SPX from applying the specific DOM Node element typing, potentially leading to type errors or loss of IntelliSense support in your IDE.

Component Events

Event methods for components are inferred at the parameter level. SPX provides a subset of event type utilities to address most cases and event types. Events which pass State Directives will include an attrs parameter and SPX will automatically generates definitions from the utilities, eliminating the need for conditional checks to determine availability. Using these inferred event types ensures that the expected interfaces are returned consistently.

Event Utilities

The SPX.Event type utilities merge with TypeScripts official DOMEvent declarations and will act in accordance with arguments provided. You can omit arguments in cases where an event callback does not include attrs and the inferred values will behave correctly. SPX provides the below list of event utilities: